Auto phase sequence detection
Automatic restart
Current limit
Current limit ramp
Dual current limit
Dynamic brake
Electricity metering
Electronic overload Time-to-cool
Emergency mode
Event log
Full voltage start
Jog with slow speed, forward and reverse
Keypad password
Kick start
Limp mode with two-phase motor control if one set of thyristors is shorted
Motor heating
Pre-start function
Pump cleaning
Real time clock
Sequence start
Soft start with torque control
Soft start with voltage ramp
Soft stop with torque control
Soft stop with voltage ramp
Stand still brake
Start reverse (external contactors)
Thyristor runtime measurement
Torque limit
Voltage sags detection
Protection Function:
Bypass open protection; Current imbalance protection; Current underload protection; Dual overload (separate overload for start and run); Earth fault protection / ground fault protection; Electronic overload protection, EOL; Extension IO failure protection; Fieldbus failure protection; HMI failure protection; Locked rotor protection; Max number of starts/hour; Over voltage protection; Phase reversal protection; Power factor underload protection; PT-100 connection; PTC connection; Too long current limit protection; Too long start time protection; Under voltage protection; User defined protection; Voltage imbalance protection
Warning Details:
Current imbalance warning; Current underload warning; Electronic overload Time-to-trip; EOL warning; Faulty fan warning; Locked rotor warning; Motor runtime limit warning; Over voltage warning; Phase loss warning (for standby); Power factor underload warning; Short circuit warning (for Limp mode); THD(U) - Total Harmonic Distortion warning; Thyristor overload warning (SCR); Under voltage warning; Voltage imbalance warning