Weighing display controller
  • Weighing display controller
views: 2196

Weighing display controller


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Item NO.: V024267 MOQ: 0
Weight:    5kgs
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   Micro-Tech 2000 Field Mount Integrator (Complete Set)


Power requirement 110/120/220/240VAC

input selection 50/60HZ

Operating range : Nominal voltage +10%,-15%

Fusing :

1.00A Slo-Blo 220/240 VAC, Type T

0.50A Slo-Blo 220/240 VAC, Type T

Power consumption : 50VA max

EMI/ RFI protection

Include with Load cell and Display

Enclosure : Field

Size : 15 x 13 x 7 inches

Fiberglass Reinforced Polyester Molded Blue

Stainless steel “Quick” type latch

2 position mounting feet

Steel chasis providing EMI/RFI shielding

Provision for 7 solid state input output modules (4 output, 3 input)


Indoor/ Outdoor should be mounted as close to the load cell as possible without being exposed to excessive heat or moisture

Pollution degree 2

DC power supplies 24 VDC ( Alarm, Contact)

Integrator Model : 2101

Micro Tech 2000

                Brand : Thermo

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