RXG24 aluminum shell power resistor
  • RXG24 aluminum shell power resistor
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RXG24 aluminum shell power resistor


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Item NO.: V021505 MOQ: 0
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The resistor has a metal aluminum shell radiator, which is small in size and large in power load. It is installed on the heat sink board and is suitable for DC or AC circuits. If you want to use it for high frequency circuits, you can order non-inductive products (add “N” before the mark). ). The package form is: silicone resin, epoxy resin, silica sand package.

Model power (25C)(With heat sink) Power 25CWithout heat sink Resistance rangeΩ Dimensions(mm) Weight(g) Recommended standard heat sink (cm2) thickness 3mm
L±3 K±1 A±0.5 B±0.5 C±0.5 D±0.3
RXG24-75 75 45 1-20K 80 49 29 90 1000
RXG24-100 100 50 1-20K 96 65.5 35 120 1000
RXG24-150 150 55 1-24K 128 98 58 180 1000
RXG24-200 200 50 1-18K 143 90 35 35 57.5 5.5 480 3755
RXG24-250 250 60 1-15K 161 109 44.5 44.5 57.5 5.5 605 4775
RXG24-300 300 75 1-10K 181 128 52 52 57.5 6.5 705 5795
RXG24-400 400 125 1-20K 240 176 73 73 57.5 5.5 790 6795
RXG24-500 500 100 1-15K 203 146 52 52 59 6.5 660 6795
RXG24-600 600 300 1-30K 320 266 120 120 58 5.5 1300 10000
RXG24-1000 1000 500 1-30K 340 290 125 125 59 6.5 1390 10000

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