Home » News center » Cuff 805x780x12.5 PKG-425x35.00.011
Cuff 805x780x12.5 PKG-425x35.00.011
      Promulgator :admin      Time:2025-03-24
1 "The equipment will be procured to replace the worn-out equipment, namely, the screen SCREEN WITH TRAY, CHUTE, SPRAYER, AND SLURRY SUPPRESSOR, and shall be similar to the worn-out equipment and not discontinued by manufacturers.
 Purchased equipment quantity: according to the purchase request/demand. These Terms of Reference have been developed for one equipment unit." To be confirmed in TBQ
2.     Scope of Application
2 The screen is intended for cleaning the gravity concentrate from scrap/sorbent dewatering. To be confirmed in TBQ
3. Requirements to the Supplier (Manufacturer)
3 The Proposal shall include the Technical and Budgetary Part and Graphics. To be confirmed in TBQ
4 The Proposal shall include the weights and overall dimensions of large size and heavy components, as well as transportation and installation details, installation drawings with dimensions, static and dynamic loads. The equipment supplier (or manufacturer) shall be specialized in similar equipment manufacturing. To be confirmed in TBQ
5 The equipment supplier (or manufacturer) shall have experience in equipment supplies to mining companies. To be confirmed in TBQ
6 The supplier shall guarantee that the equipment being supplied is lawfully marketed in the Russian Federation by the right holder or under its license. To be confirmed in TBQ
7 The supplier shall guarantee that the use of the equipment being supplied by the Customer will not infringe any third-party intellectual rights, including those of the supplier. To be confirmed in TBQ
The TBQ package shall include electronic copies of the following documents:
8 A text file describing the proposed equipment, with a list of equipment specifications and confirmation of compliance with the ToR items Availability
9 Equipment data sheets (not obligatory) Availability
10 Graphics (equipment drawing) showing the overall and installation dimensions Availability
11 ToR form in excel; column 4 to be filled in by the Bidder. Compliance with ToR requirements as well as the explanation of non-compliance shall be given in column 4. Availability
12 Copy of Declaration of Conformity to the Technical Regulation of the Customs Union Availability
13 A detailed list of the scope of equipment supply Availability
4. Key Specifications
14 "Work schedule: year-round, 7 days per week, 24 hours per day.
The equipment will be operated at the design ambient temperature from +5 °C to +45 °C.
Climatic rating – NF (boreal climate); placement category 4 according to GOST 15150-69." To be confirmed in TBQ
Operating Conditions (Gravity Concentrate Separation)
15 Screening type Wet
16 Equipment purpose Removing scrap from gravity concentrate
17 Max. feed size 10 mm
18 Solids in feed, % 15
19 -0.071 mm size fraction in feed, % 6.3
20 Abrasiveness Moderately abrasive
Operating Conditions (Sorbent Separation)
21 Screening type Wet
22 Equipment purpose Sorbent separation
23 Max. feed size 5 mm
24 Solids in feed, % 35
25 Abrasiveness Moderately abrasive
26 Equipment Parameters
27 Equipment to be replaced Linear vibrating screen Specify the name of the proposed equipment
28 Number of screening decks 1
29 Screening surface dimensions, mm:
30 - Width 900
31 - Length 2400
32 Screening surface area, m² 2.16
33 Drive type Vibrating device
34 Sieves (panels) material Polyurethane
35 Sieve (panel) cell size, mm "3 (gravity concentrate screening)
0,8 (sorbent dewatering)"
36 Undersize hopper Availability
37 Screen sides lining Abrasion resistant rubber
38 Undersize hopper Availability
39 Undersize hopper lining Abrasion resistant rubber
40 Screen water spray system Availability
41 Slurry suppressor Availability
42 Slurry suppressor lining Abrasion resistant rubber
43 Screen sides lining Abrasion resistant rubber
44 Slurry throughput, m³/h Min. 25
45 Solids throughput, t/h "Min. 3.5 (gravity concentrate)
Min. 2.8 (sorbent)"
46 Feeder Not required
47 Screening efficiency, % 95
5. Power Requirements
48 Mains voltage  ~ 400 V
49 Mains frequency 50 Hz
50 Number of phases 3
51 Number of drive motors 2
52 Drive motor rated power, kW 2.2
53 Motor IP Min. IP55
6. Automated Control and Instrumentation System Requirements
54 The equipment automation system shall include an emergency alarm and interlock system as well as a local and remote startup and control system, with the capability to integrate into the overall automation system via the Industrial Ethernet or ProfiBus DP protocol. To be confirmed in TBQ
7. Equipment Dimensions
55 Mandatory approval of equipment dimensions by the Customer’s responsible personnel at the technical evaluation stage and of detailed design documentation before contract signing. To be confirmed in TBQ
56 Screen overall dimensions – 3000 х 1520 х 2500 mm. To be confirmed in TBQ
57 Any deviations from the specified dimensions are possible only if approved by the Customer’s persons in charge. To be confirmed in TBQ
8. Safety Requirements
58 The equipment shall comply with the requirements of the Technical Regulations 010/2011 On Safety of Machinery and Equipment. Declaration must be available. To be confirmed in TBQ
59 The equipment shall meet the requirements of the Safety Rules for Mining and Processing of Solid Minerals approved by Rostekhnadzor Order No. 505 dated 08 December 2020. To be confirmed in TBQ
60 The equipment shall comply with the Federal Rules and Regulations for Industrial Safety and Technical Regulations of the Customs Union. To be confirmed in TBQ
61 Compliance of the equipment with safety requirements at hazardous production facilities as per the applicable Russian legal regulations. To be confirmed in TBQ
62 The equipment shall comply with fire safety rules as per the applicable Russian legal regulations. To be confirmed in TBQ
63 Metal surfaces of the structure shall be painted to prevent corrosion. The equipment painting shall comply with Class 6 as per GOST 9.032-74 and operating conditions U1 as per GOST 9.104-79. To be confirmed in TBQ
64 Removable guards shall be provided for all moving and rotating parts of the equipment to prevent personnel injuries. To be confirmed in TBQ
9. Standardization and Unification Requirements
65 The equipment shall contain the maximum possible number of standard (DIN) and unified parts. To be confirmed in TBQ
66 All safety warning and prohibiting signage and labels shall be in Russian. To be confirmed in TBQ
67 The equipment shall be painted with high-quality paint. Painted surfaces shall be resistant to corrosion, fuel and lubricants, abrasive dust, precipitation and sudden fluctuations in ambient temperature. To be confirmed in TBQ
10. Serviceability and Design Requirements
68 High degree of reliability. Equipment availability ratio (mechanical availability) shall be at least 0.95. To be confirmed in TBQ
69 Draw up a Quality Control Plan. To be confirmed in TBQ
70 The design shall ensure convenient installation, maintenance, and repairs. To be confirmed in TBQ
11. Warranty Terms
71 The supplier shall provide 18-month warranty coverage for the equipment from the date of commissioning, or 24 months from the date of delivery, but not limited to this. To be confirmed in TBQ
72 The Manufacturer shall guarantee the equipment compliance with these ToR, provided that the operator adheres to the transportation, storage, installation, and operation conditions. To be confirmed in TBQ
12.  Scope of Supply
73 Complete screen (including vibrator, box, supports, guards, undersize hopper, oversize box, and water spray system) Availability
74 Required electrical equipment (motor, starter, and switchboard) Availability
75 "A set of polyurethane screening surfaces suitable for year-long operation 
Panels with 0.4 mm aperture – 3 sets
Panels with 3.0 mm aperture – 1 set" Availability
76 Spare parts kit, including spare parts for electrical equipment and vibrators Availability
77 The scope of supply shall be approved by the Customer. The supply package may include only similar products with respect to the initial range. If similar products are proposed, the supplied spare parts shall comply with the Manufacturer’s data sheet and repairs flow charts. Availability
13.  List of Required Documentation
77 The Supplier shall provide the Customer with the technical documentation for the supplied equipment (all the documents shall be in Russian: 4 copies on paper + digital files) within the following scope and deadlines:
78 Quality Certificate To be supplied with the equipment
79 Certificate of Conformity to GOST R To be supplied with the equipment
80 Certificate of Origin To be supplied with the equipment
81 Declaration of Conformity to CU TR To be supplied with the equipment
82 Permit for Equipment Use To be supplied with the equipment
83 Data Sheet for the supplied equipment (including electrical equipment) To be supplied with the equipment
84 Installation, Operation, and Troubleshooting Manuals To be supplied with the equipment
85 List of Spare Parts To be supplied with the equipment
14. Packaging Requirements
86 The equipment shall be prepared for transportation in accordance with the requirements of standards for such goods and GOST 26653-90 Preparation of General Cargoes for Transportation. Shipping containers and packaging of the goods shall comply with GOST 15846-2002 and ensure that the goods are safe during multiple transshipments and transportation to the Far North and long-term outdoor storage at temperatures from -40 °С to +40 °С. The goods shall be shipped in containers or packs as specified in GOST 21929-79. It is not required to return reusable containers and other unit load devices to the Supplier. To be confirmed in TBQ
87 Wooden crates as per GOST 15846-2002 (Section 3, Table 1, i. 5). To be confirmed in TBQ
88 A List of Components must also be provided together with the supplied equipment. To be confirmed in TBQ
15. Additional Services
89 The Supplier shall provide supervision and commissioning of the equipment. To be confirmed in TBQ
16. Marking Requirements
90 The equipment shall be marked with: To be confirmed in TBQ
91 Manufacturer’s trade mark To be confirmed in TBQ
92 Purchase order number To be confirmed in TBQ
93 Purchase order number To be confirmed in TBQ
94 Manufacturing date To be confirmed in TBQ
95 Serial number according to the manufacturer’s numbering system To be confirmed in TBQ
96 The marking shall be made on a metal plate as per GOST 12971-67 Rectangular Plates for Machines and Instruments. To be confirmed in TBQ
97 The marking method shall ensure that all inscriptions remain legible for the entire life of the parts. To be confirmed in TBQ
98 The shipping marking shall comply with GOST 14192-96 Cargo Marking and shall contain handling instructions “Sling Here” and “Center of Gravity”. To be confirmed in TBQ
17. Delivery Terms
99 Delivery price shall include the price of the equipment, customs payments if imported equipment is supplied, as well as the cost of railway transportation to Lesosibirsk station of Krasnoyarsk Branch of Russian Railways OJSC, code 882506, Zavodskaya station siding. The goods securing diagrams in a vehicle and/or container (for transportation) shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the TsM-943 Technical Specification for Stowage and Securing of Cargoes in Rail Cars and Containers approved by the Ministry of Railways on 27 May 2003. To be confirmed in TBQ
100 The equipment shall be accompanied with a Packing List drawn up according to Appendix No. 1. To be confirmed in TBQ
101 If logistics scheme assumes that the carriers and types of transport means are to be changed en route, the Supplier shall enclose the required accompanying documents (quality documentation, certificates, data sheets, UTD, delivery notes) in the cargo package and make respective marks in the “Note” section of the Packing List. To be confirmed in TBQ
1 IGBT Module+ for ABB Inverter Drive ABB FS450R17KE3/AGDR-71CS
2 ACS800/550-X2/X4 R8 IGBT RIBBON CABLES ABB ACS800/550-X2/X4 R8 (SP KIT:68689023)
PULLER, SEAT - MFG: VAR - P/N# 79489-14 & 10114594-001
Устройство плавного пуска SMC-3 150-C37NBD Allen Bradley - 1шт
Устройство плавного пуска SMC-3 150-C37NBD Allen Bradley - 1шт
Двигатель VD00063-4-0.10 Z112.452 - 1шт
1 Ram shaft PPG 350x5000.003
2 Screw M8x25 PPG 350x5000.009
3 Clamping screw PPG 230x5000.023
4 Thrust Bushing PPG 230x5000.011
5 Plug PPG 230x5000.21
6 Plug with hole PPG 230x5000.022
7 Piston clamp PPG 350x5000.008
8 Reverse valve PPG 230x5000.300
9 Ring 1135x1150x8.5 PKG-425x35.00.010
10 Ring PPG2-350x5000.040.36
11 Clamping ring PPG350x5000.010
12 Support ring PUG350x5000.004
13 Rectangular front ring 2FZ35105A.03-14
14 Retaining ring A135.30X13
15 Retaining ring A95.30x13
16 Cuff 1-110x90 GOST 14896-84 for PP2G
17 Cuff 1150x1125x12.5 PKG-425x35.00.013
18 Cuff 3-120x90 GOST 14896-84 for PP2G
19 Cuff 805x780x12.5 PKG-425x35.00.011
20 Cuff 920x895x12.5 PKG-425x35.00.012
21 Cuff PPG 350x5000.031
22 Dust-proof ring support PPG 230x5000.012
23 Piston PPG 350x5000.007
24 Seal 102mm PP2G-350x35.320-03
25 Seal 73mm PP2G-350x35.320-01
26 Ram seal 5" 127 mm DFZ1310.01A.01-00
27 Blind Ram Seal DFZ1310.01E.01-00
28 O-ring seal UK-425x35
1 Bolt M12 54025.53.005
2 Bolt M16 14099.53.258
3 Bolt M16 14099.53.258
4 Bolt M20 54025.53.502
5 Вал трансмиссионный 54025.53.300СБ
6 Вал трансмиссионный 54025.53.300СБ
7 Transmission shaft BZ0001.03.01
8 Вентиль СМ 23157.003.00 Рр=40МПа Ду=3 ТУ 26-07-1220-81 9018-01-0010002
9 Вентиль СМ 23157.003.00 Рр=40МПа Ду=3 ТУ 26-07-1220-81 9018-01-0010002
10 Screw 54025.53.352
11 Винт ГОСТ Р ИСО 2009-М8х20-4,8-А2Р 5004050300000022
12 Insert 44040.53.072
13 Insert 44040.53.072
14 Box 54025.53.387
15 Box 54025.53.387
16 Bushing 54025.53.152
17 Bushing 54025.53.152
18 Shaft sleeve H20613-21G7A
19 Support sleeve 44013.53.079
20 Support sleeve 44013.53.079
21 Support sleeve 54035.53.712
22 Cylinder sleeve bimetallic D 140 Drilling pump 1180L-52 44040.53.034-05/ 52MPa
23 Cylinder sleeve bimetallic D 140 Drilling pump 1180L-52 44040.53.034-05/ 52MPa
24 Cylinder sleeve bimetallic D 150 Drilling pump 1180L-52 44040.53.034-04/ 52MPa
25 Cylinder sleeve bimetallic D 160 Drilling pump 1180L-52 44040.53.034-03/ 52MPa
26 Cylinder sleeve bimetallic D 160 Drilling pump 1180L-52 44040.53.034-03/ 52MPa
27 Cylinder sleeve bimetallic D 170 Drilling pump 1180L-52 44040.53.034-02/ 52MPa
28 Cylinder sleeve bimetallic D 180 Drilling pump 1180L-52 44040.53.034-01/ 52MPa
29 Nut M68x4 54025.53.013
30 Гайка М16-6Н.12.40Х.019 ГОСТ 5915-70 5002020100000060
31 Гайка М16-6Н.12.40Х.019 ГОСТ 5915-70 5002020100000060
32 Hydraulic jack 54025.55.200
33 Гидродомкрат М68Х4 54025.55.025СБ
34 Hydraulic cylinder AH36001-05.01A.00
35 Aperture 14010.53.826
36 Diaphragm AH33001-05.35A.02
37 Diaphragm AH33001-05.35A.02
38 Disk AH36001-05A.07
39 Дроссель 54025.53.653СБ
40 Valve assembly AH36001-05.12A.00
41 Valve assembly AH36001-05.12A.00
42 Клапан предохранительный 14036.53.220СБ
43 Safety valve AH33003-00
44 Коллектор нагнетательный 54025.53.270СБ
45 Кольцо 050-060-58-2-2 ГОСТ 9833-73 2101010010000166
46 Кольцо 110-120-58-2-2 ГОСТ 9833-73 2101010010000150
47 Ring 110x120x2 rubber 54025.53.508
48 Кольцо 140-150-58-2-2 ГОСТ 9833-73 94311001750
49 Кольцо 140-150-58-2-2 ГОСТ 9833-73 94311001750
50 Ring 160x170x2 rubber 54025.53.509
51 Ring 16x20x1.5 54025.53.178
52 Ring 60x70x2 54025.53.169
53 Hydraulic gate ring for piston diameter 140mm 14036.53.197
54 Lining ring 14006.53.049
55 Lining ring 14006.53.049
56 Lining ring 54025.53.353
57 Lining ring 54025.53.353
58 O-ring 44023.53.368
59 O-ring 54025.53.791
60 Drilling pump O-ring D130 1180 54025.53.385-02
61 Drilling pump O-ring D130 1180 54025.53.385-02
62 Valve cover sealing ring AH36001-05.13
63 Cylinder cover sealing ring AH36001-05.08
64 Cylinder cover sealing ring AH36001-05.15
65 Cylinder sleeve housing 54025.53.390
66 Crosshead assembly AH36001-04.00
67 Крышка клапана 54025.53.160СБ
68 Крышка клапана 54025.53.160СБ
69 Cylinder cover AH36001-05.03
70 Манжета 1-120х100-6 ГОСТ 14896-84 2101020010100010
71 Манжета 1-120х100-6 ГОСТ 14896-84 2101020010100010
72 Манжета 1.2х250х290-1 ГОСТ 8752-79 2101020030000056
73 Механизм затворный 54025.53.210СБ
74 Механизм затворный 54025.53.210СБ
75 Механизм кривошипно-ползунный 54025.53.400СБ
76 Crank mechanism AH36001-02.08A.00
77 Guide rail 54025.53.712
78 Guide rail 54025.53.713
79 Bearing holder on the right AH37001-01.02
80 Отбойник 54025.53.180СБ
81 Отбойник 54025.53.180СБ
82 Подвод СОЖ 54025.53.125СБ
83 Подвод СОЖ 54025.53.125СБ
84 Подшипник 4262730ЛМ ГОСТ 520-2011 9016060000000032
85 Подшипник 8116 ГОСТ 7872-89 9016040000000000
86 Crank Neck Bearing 929/660.4QU Drilling Pump 3NB-1600F
87 Piston D 140 of the drilling pump 1180L-52 54025.53.120-04SB/52MPa
88 Piston D 140 of the drilling pump 1180L-52 54025.53.120-04SB/52MPa
89 Piston D 140 of the drilling pump 1180L-52 54025.53.120-04SB/52MPa
90 Piston D 160 of the drilling pump 1180L-52 54025.53.120-02SB/52MPa
91 Piston D 160 of the drilling pump 1180L-52 54025.53.120-02SB/52MPa
92 Piston D 160 of the drilling pump 1180L-52 54025.53.120-02SB/52MPa
93 Piston D 180 of the drilling pump 1180L-52 54025.53.120SB/52MPa
94 Piston D 180 of the drilling pump 1180L-52 54025.53.120SB/52MPa
95 Piston assembly  УНР1000.JA-3.01.00
96 Проволока 1,6-О-Ч ГОСТ 3282-74 1011010000000041
97 Проволока 2,0-О-Ч ГОСТ 3282-74 1011010000000042
98 Gasket 17/10-2 54025.53.510
99 Gasket 54025.53.340
100 Прокладка 54025.53.345СБ
101 Spring 110 54025.53.798
102 Ремкомплект на КП 50-400 14036.53.250СБ
103 Drilling sleeve D102(4") P350 L22000 Quick-release connection 4" FIG 1002 nut/nut (Sleeve DN 100 S-R 2303029.7)
104 Drilling sleeve D102(4") P350 L23000 Quick-release connection 4" FIG 1002 nut/nut (Sleeve DN 100 S-R 2303029.8)
105 Drilling sleeve D102(4") P350 L6000 Quick-release connection 4" FIG 1002 nut/nut (Sleeve DN 100 S-R 2303029.4)
106 High pressure hose 16-250-12000 M27x1.5 DIN EN853 2SN
107 Рукав РВД 20-129-2300-024-36/36-М42х2/М42х2-ХЛ1
108 High pressure hose 2SN EN853 DN16 (W)G3/4"/(W)G3/4" BSP L=20m
109 Стакан 54025.53.151СБ
110 Glass 54025.53.259
111 Glass 54025.53.260
112 Glass of art.20 54025.53.461
113 Glass of art.20 54025.53.461
114 Hydraulic puller GH3161-12.26.00
115 Уплотнение штока ползуна 54025.53.790СБ
116 Pressure filter 41.07108
117 Фильтр приемный 40-80-2 ОСТ 2С41-2-80 9014-01-0010038
118 Flange 44024.53.216
119 Flange for clamping the sleeve AH36001-05.17
120 Flange for cylinder cover AH36001-05.02
121 Pressure flange 54025.53.378
122 Pressure flange 54025.53.378
123 Хомут 14036.53.032СБ
124 Шайба 7019-0395 ГОСТ 13438-68 5003080000000009
125 Шайба 7019-0395 ГОСТ 13438-68 5003080000000009
126 Шайба 7019-0415 ГОСТ 13438-68 5003080000000010
127 Шайба 7019-0415 ГОСТ 13438-68 5003080000000010
128 Junior gear with shaft assembly AH37001-02.00
129 Hairpin M42x3 54025.53.388
130 Hairpin M42x3 54025.53.388
131 Piston rod 685.06-
132 Piston rod AH36001-05.19A
1 Mast Upper Section Extension Cylinder JJ18038-06-00
2 Lifting Shaft JC28L3
1 Cameron №702002-02-72 Ring gasket API RX-27 PSL4 , Cameron №702002-02-72
2 Cameron №702002-04-42 Ring gasketя API RX-44 , Cameron №702002-04-42
3 Cameron 700001118 Intrinsically safe barrier Cameron 700001118 of upper power drive TD-500-AC-2M
4 Cameron 9036322 Engine valve block with adapter Cameron 9036322
5 700000701 The manifold block is 6-port, 700000701
6 Cameron 9019336 Two-channel repeater power supply D5014D Cameron 9019336 of drilling winch UH SG-500-3000-DDW
7 Cameron 20002344 "Hexagon Head Bolt М6х35 A4-80 Cameron 20002344
8 0A19C120-069 hollow shaft D.50 DN120L1, 00A19C120-069
9 00A19C120-060 Drive shaft 00A19C120-060
10 9035812 hydraulic rotator  9035812
11 Cameron 9L-A167708 Valve guide insert Cameron 9L-A167708
12 00A19C120-062 guide bushing DN120L1, 00A19C120-062
13 0B0002958 Transition bushing 3/4"x1/2", 0B0002958
14 Cameron 20043054 bushing of bearing Cameron 20043054
15 10A53F10509.0 Unloading hole bushing, hard alloy art.10A53F10509.0
16 Cameron 700000342 Limit switch 5/2-way Cameron 700000342
17 9035807 Hydraulic cylinder 140/90x56, 9035807
18 7K-9035912 Hydraulic cylinder 125/65х660,lower section, 7K-9035912
19 9035806 Hydraulic cylinder 80/60х60, 9035806
20 9036321 Position sensor 9036321 of upper power drive Cameron TD-500-AC-2M
21 9036382 Non-contact inductive sensor 9036382 of upper power driveCameron TD-500-AC-2M
22 9036511 Position sensor  9036511 of upper power drive Cameron TD-500-AC-2M
23 9036433 temperature sensor 9036433 of upper power drive Cameron TD-500-AC-2M
24 Cameron 7K-9008700 Flow meter diaphragm M8x1,0 type G Cameron 7K-9008700
25 9009841 Flow meter diaphragm 9009841
26 708218-03 Gate valve 1" NPT 200 w/in2, pair (wsp) 125 w/in2 708218-03
27 1" BSPP 0,4 bar Cameron 9036254 Reverse valve 1" BSPP 0.4 bar Cameron 9036254
28 1" BSPP 0,4 bar Cameron 9036254 Reverse valve 1" BSPP 0.4 bar Cameron 9036254
29 1" BSPP 0,4 bar Cameron 9036254 Reverse valve 1" BSPP 0.4 bar Cameron 9036254
30 3/8" BSPP Cameron 9036255 Check valve 3/8" BSPP Cameron 9036255
31 7K-9021314 Disc valve 4" DN100 Cameron 7K-9021314
32 7K- 9022276 Disc valve 3" Cameron 7K- 9022276
33 7K- 9022276 Disc valve 3" Cameron 7K- 9022276
34 Cameron 9036298 valve 1 1/2" BSP A316 Cameron 9036298
35 Cameron 7K-9036253 Check valve 1 1/4" BSPP 0,4 bar Cameron 7K-9036253
36 7K-9036296 Ball valve 3/4" BSP, 3600psi, A316, 7K-9036296
37 Cameron 9036294 valve 3/8" BSP A316 Cameron 9036294
38 Cameron 7K-9022751 Ball valve  3/8" латунь Cameron 7K-9022751
39 Cameron 9015956 , drawing 27-044-FD51-A-XR-802 Equalizing valve Cameron 9015956 drawing 27-044-FD51-A-XR-802
40 Cameron PVG32-6 9035815 Distribution valve Cameron PVG32-6 9035815
41 Cameron 7K-9013898 Equalizing valv Cameron 7K-9013898
42 00A01C200.062 key UNI 6604 A - 32x18x100 art.00A01C200.062
43 00A01C200.071 key UNI 6604-A 32X18X80 art.00A01C200.071
44 Cameron 20043033 wheel  Cameron 20043033
45 Cameron 20039168 o-ring 2-277, fpm 75 Cameron 20039168
46 Cameron 20039171 o-ring 2-280, fpm 75 Cameron 20039171
47 AS-568-222 Cameron №702645-22-21 o-ring AS-568-222 Cameron №702645-22-21
48 AS-568-222 Cameron №702645-22-21 o-ring AS-568-222 Cameron №702645-22-21
49 AS-568-340 Cameron №702644-34-01 o-ring AS-568-340 Cameron №702644-34-01
50 AS-568-340 Cameron №702644-34-01 o-ring AS-568-340 Cameron №702644-34-01
51 AS-568-344 Cameron №702645-34-41 o-ring AS-568-344 Cameron №702645-34-41
52 AS-568-387 Cameron №702645-38-71 o-ring AS-568-387 Cameron №702645-38-71
53 AS-568-445 Cameron №702645-44-51 o-ring AS-568-445 Cameron №702645-44-51
54 AS-568-445 Cameron №702645-44-51 o-ring AS-568-445 Cameron №702645-44-51
55 AS-568-461 Cameron №702645-46-11 o-ring AS-568-461 Cameron №702645-46-11
56 AS-568-469 Cameron №702645-46-92 o-ring AS-568-469 Cameron №702645-46-92
57 Cameron 2394495-06 A set of adjusting gaskets Cameron 2394495-06
58 w2215 Cameron 9L-A164453 A set of adjusting gaskets,  w2215 Cameron 9L-A164453
59 Cameron 9L-A167244 A set of adjusting gaskets, internal eccentricCameron 9L-A167244
60 Cameron 9L-B164206 A set of adjusting gaskets, major bearing Cameron 9L-B164206
61 00ACPASPR-094 Mechanical seal component 00ACPASPR-094
62 Cameron 9010163 contactor 3ф+2xНО+2xНЗ 24В Cameron 9010163 of shop for drill candles  XY
63 Cameron 9006448 Two-way manifold with stop and drain valve Cameron 9006448
64 Cameron 9L-EG192-02 Manometer 0-160 psi eac Cameron 9L-EG192-02
65 Cameron 9L-108-0051-02 Manometer 0-60psi Cameron 9L-108-0051-02
66 Cameron 9010158 Power module ET200s Cameron 9010158of shop for drill candles XY
67 Cameron 90000742 Cleaner Cameron 90000742
68 Cameron 2301929-12 Pipe Die Packer 5" 18 3/4-5K 10K TL BOP Cameron 2301929-12
69 Cameron VBR-Camram 2163493-01 Universal Tube Die Packer 3 1/2"-7 5/8" Rated WP Cameron VBR-Camram 2163493-01
70 Cameron 2125310 suspension НКТ SSMC 18 3/4" х 5 1/2" Cameron 2125310
71 see the picture Oil press  Cameron
72 Cameron №140171-02-01-04 ring gasket 4,726х4,258х0,06 AISI 316 Cameron №140171-02-01-04
73 Cameron №2034005-06-01 gasket 18 3/4" CF-18 AISI 316 Cameron №2034005-06-01
74 Cameron 2362927-01 ring gasket 18-3/4 CF-18 Cameron 2362927-01
75 Cameron 9L-A164185-02 gasket Cameron 9L-A164185-02
76 Cameron №702002-02-42 gasket RX-24 Cameron №702002-02-42
77 Cameron 702002-03-52 ring gasket API RX-35 Cameron 702002-03-52
78 Cameron №702002-02-72 ring gasket API RX-27 PSL4 , Cameron №702002-02-72
79 Cameron №702002-02-72 ring gasket API RX-27 PSL4 , Cameron №702002-02-72
80 Cameron №702002-02-72 Прокладка кольцевая API RX-27 PSL4 ,Cameron №702002-02-72
81 Cameron №702002-04-42 ring gasket API RX-44 , Cameron №702002-04-42
82 Cameron 9021557 Proportional distributor, slide valve Cameron 9021557
83 Cameron 20043041 Side Wheel Roller Cameron 20043041
84 Cameron 140143-01-05-10 Oil seal Cameron 140143-01-05-10
85 Cameron 9L-115-2643 Cameron 9L-115-2643
86 7K-9028181, BA02 Windscreen wiper blade, length 1200 мм, 7K-9028181, BA02
87 Cameron №2012992-01-01 gasket  SLS 1,00х1,75х0,62 Cameron №2012992-01-01
88 Cameron №2012992-01-01 gasket SLS 1,00х1,75х0,62 Cameron №2012992-03-01
89 Cameron 20039218 single gasket 210/185х15 Cameron 20039218
90 Cameron  №2120000-25-01 Ring seal 5 1/2" SRL Cameron  №2120000-25-01
91 Cameron 20039227 Ring seal Cameron 20039227 5,7х89,3 for gearbox 500T drive TD-500-AC-2M
92 Cameron 702645-16-11 rinf seal AS-568-161 5,487x0,103 Cameron 702645-16-11
93 Cameron №2017000-11-08 LS 18 3/4" seal with semi-open spiral anti-extrusion springs Cameron №2017000-11-08
94 Cameron №2017000-11-08 LS 18 3/4" seal with semi-open spiral anti-extrusion springsCameron №2017000-11-08
95 Cameron 20031156 ring seal Cameron 20031156
96 Cameron 9L-ES194 oil seal  Cameron 9L-ES194
97 Cameron VBR-Camram 2164247-02 Upper seal of the double blowout preventer ramTL BOP, TEMP Class EBB PER API 16A 4TH ED PR2 Cameron VBR-Camram 2164247-02
98 Cameron 90000738 Piston seal Cameron 90000738
99 7K-9023262 Return filter 330 G2, not explosion-proof, 7K-9023262
100 7K-9033536 Return/drain filter 7K-9033536
101 7K-9033536 Return/drain filter 7K-9033536
102 7K-9023261 Duplex return/drain filter, non-explosion-proof, 7K-9023261
103 Cameron 005929-10 Unloading fitting 1/8 PTF Cameron 005929-10
104 Cameron 005929-55 Straight grease fitting 1/2NPT x 1,00-14UNS Cameron 005929-55
105 Cameron 7K-20000378 Flat washer M20 HDG Cameron 7K-20000378
106 Cameron 7K-20000378 Flat washer M20 HDG Cameron 7K-20000378
107 Cameron 151050300 Pin Cameron 151050300
108 Cameron 2604260-11 Electric motor Cameron 2604260-11, ATEX,4 kW, 380 V, 50Hz, 1000 rpm
109 Cameron 2826987-01 Electric motor Cameron 2826987-01, ATEX, 3 kW, 380 V, 50Hz, 1450 rpm
110 Cameron 2826988-01 Electric motor  Cameron 2826988-01, ATEX,4 kW, 380 V, 50Hz, 1000 rpm
111 Cameron 7K-9036324 Electric cooling motor Cameron 7K-9036324
112 Cameron 9006081 Enoder Cameron 9006081
1. 3BSM005914-1
RTD Pt 100 ohm, 3BSM005914-1 ABB
2.  3BSM021149-A
Jacking oil hose size 22, 3BSM021149-A ABB
3.  3BSM001180-1
SEAL RING 300, 3BSM001180-1 ABB
1 SIMODRIVE 611 power supply, E/R, 80/104KW
2 SIMODRIVE 611 6SN1118-0NH01-0AA1 control unit
3 Servo control unit ASD-A2-0743-M 0.75 kW 3x400V Delta
4 Servo control unit ASD-A2-3043-M 3.0KW 3X400V Delta
5 Asynchronous motor Siemens 1PH7-224-2NC00-0AC0 55kW/700rpm
6 Asynchronous motor Siemens 1PH7137-2QD02-0CA0
7 Synchronous motor Siemens 1FK7060-2AF71-1QG0
8 Synchronous motor Siemens 1FK7101-5AF71-1DG0
9 Synchronous motor Siemens 1FK7103-5AF71-1DG0
10 Gear motor G12V200S-90
11 ECMA-J10807SS servo motor 0.75KW/3000 / 5000 rpm
12 ECMA-L11830SS Servomotor 3KW/1500 / 3000 rpm
13 AC Servo Motor A06B-0253-B100
14 AC Servo Motor A06B-0257-B400
1 Die 2 7/8" 45.293B
2 Die 2 7/8" 45.293B
3 Die 3 1/2"-4" 45293C
4 Die 3 1/2"-4" 45293C
5 Jaw assembly 2 7/8" 45291B-100
6 Jaw assembly 4" 45291E-100
7 Bushing assy. 2 7/8"  45292B-100
8 Bushing assy. 4" 45292E-100
1 Manual Torque Multiplier Wrench 20000Nm
2 Two-position three-pass valve VSP-3301-31
3 Bosch Rexroth 0013402 pneumatic relay valve
4 Hydraulic pump Parker PMD 3139115017 (SAT18)
5 Rubber Pin 4096.50.153
6 Pneumatic distributor SMC EVGA342-Z13326-06FA
7 Bearing Fag 23160-BEA-XL-K-MB1-C3
8 Bearing Fag 23160-BEA-XL-K-MB1-C3
9 Rear axle Reducer Maike 2500LE gear ratio 7,826 for ZJ-30 Rig
10 Front axle Reducer Maike 2300LCI gear ratio 7,826 for ZJ-30 Rig
2 NOV sSW-40 75541 IDLER SHAFT
10 NOVssW-40 73449 SHIELD SPACER
11 NOV sSW-40 201522 ROLLER GEAR
15 NOV ssW-40 73091 ROLLER BEARING
17 NOV sSW-40 51300-152-B 0-RING
19 NOV sSW-40 73078-1 DRIVE ROLLER KEY

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