• P20K3HJG-1-P20J3MQJG
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P20K3HJG-1-P20J3MQJG connector

1 ac 50 hz control module
2 power limitation box P ‌, ‌ C14
3 PC11 generator excitation board
4 AC active power 2000 kw/AC, KILOWATTS
5 AC reactive kvar table 2000 kvar/AC, KILOVARS
6 AC voltmeter 0-750 - v/AC
7 AC current meter 0-2000 - a/AC
The RUN - IDLE - OFF the three E30AG switch
9 calibration knob (voltage, speed), 509-428
10 potentiometer given 1 k 25 w
11 generator operation indicator light KXPA1W
Online indicator KXPA1R 12 generator
13 KXRB1A generator including lamp button
14 indicator bulb 6.3 V
15 indicator bulb lamp (synchronous) 130 v
16 indicator bulb (grounding detection lamp) 18 v 6 w
17 transformer T15 600 v / 24 v 250 va
18 transformer T07 600 v / 115 v 115 va
19 1.8 kVA transformer T08 600 v / 115 v
20 1.1 kVA transformer T10 600 v / 115 v
21 fuse 32 a 690 v
22 fuse 10 a 690 v
23 fuse 6 a 690 v
24 fuse 4 a 690 v
25 fuse 2 a 690 v
26 50 hz dc control module
27 power panel PC01
28 PC02 voltage feedback board
29 sprocket checkered plate PC05
Solid state relay board PC15 30
31 dc voltmeter 1000 VDC
32 dc ammeter 2000 VDC
33 SCR running lights KXPA1G
34 the sprocket wheel antiskid light KXPA31A
35 transformer T05 45 v, 600 v / 150 va
36 transformer T06 31 v 600 v / 50 va
37 SCR 900 a 2400 v
38 the main fuse 600 a 700 v
39 surge suppression fuse 60 a 1000 v
DDB02 pulse transformer is 40-50-0
41 SCR cabinet fan 60 hz, 600 v
42 QL98M single-phase rectifier bridge
43 one-way dc contactor 1250 a 74 VDC
44 two-way dc contactor 1100 a 74 VDC
45 transformer JKD hall - FC 1200 a
Ea00 46 PLC power supply module 5 a 307-1-0 aa0
47 aa03 IM153-1-0 xb0 interface module
48 I/O module SM331 kf02 ab0 0
49 I/O module hd01 SM332-5-0 ab0
50 I/O module aa0 hf01 SM322-1-0
51 I/O module aa0 bh50 SM321-1-0
52 I/O module aa0 bh01 SM322-1-0
53 I/O module aa0 bh02 SM321-1-0
54 512 k memory card (program), 953-8 lj11 aa0 0
55 9 core plug (RS485), 972-0 ba41 xa0 0
P9XUIRDO 56 indicator light (white)
P9XUVRDO 57 pilot light (green)
P9XURRDO 58 indicator light (red)
P9XUGRDO 59 indicator light (yellow)
60 indicator bulb 220 vac
61 indicator bulb 120 vac
62 indicator bulb 24 VDC
63 micro switch YS L2-15 c
64 two switch CR104PSM21
65 three switch CR104PSM36
66 auxiliary contact CR104PXC1 (green)
67 auxiliary contact CR104PX01 (red)
68 pedal potentiometer 200 Ω 25 w
69 duplex potentiometer 1 k 2 w
70 driller control board PC01T
71 quadrupole three-phase plug/GZ - 25 a/YT - 25 a
72 quadrupole three-phase plug/GZ - 60 a/YT - 60 a
73 quadrupole three-phase plug/GZ - 100 - a/YT - 100 a
74 quadrupole three-phase plug/GZ - 150 - a/YT - 150 a
75 quadrupole three-phase plug/GZ - 200 - a/YT - 200 a
76 the second core plug / / P20J2MQJG P20K2HJG - 1
Three core plugs / 77 / P20J3MQJG P20K3HJG - 1
78 four core plugs/P28K9QJG/P28J9MQJG
79 four core plugs/P28K10QJG/P2810MQJG
16 80 20 core plugs/yt - 20 j / 16 gz - 20 k
81 triple circuit breaker NS80H MA25
82 triple circuit breaker NS80H MA50
83 triple circuit breaker NS160N MA150
84 triple circuit breaker NS100N TM60D
85 triple circuit breaker NS100N TM100D
86 triple circuit breaker NS160N TM160D
87 triple circuit breaker NS250N TM200D
88 single-stage circuit breaker C65N - C6
89 single-stage circuit breaker C65N - C10
90 single-stage circuit breaker C65N - C16
91 single-stage circuit breaker C65N - C25
92 ac contactor LC1 - D25M7C
32 m7c LC1-93 ac contactor
40 m7c LC1-94 ac contactor
95 ac contactor m7c LC1-11500

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