9907-018  2301A Speed controller
  • 9907-018  2301A Speed controller
  • 9907-018  2301A Speed controller
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9907-018 2301A Speed controller


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9907-018  2301A GEN Speed controller

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Load Sharing and Speed Control
The 2301A Load Sharing and Speed Controls are designed for use in electric generator
systems where multi-unit load sharing is desired. 2301A controls may be used with diesel, gas
or gasoline engines, or steam or gas turbines.
Controls are available:
 For applications requiring droop and/or isochronous speed control
 In forward- or reverse-acting models
 For single or tandem actuator installations
 With accelerating or decelerating ramps
 In several speed ranges
Automatic, adjustable start fuel limiting regulates the maximum fuel setting while the engine is
starting. This helps decrease pollution and engine wear.
Each 2301A control has a self-contained load sensor. Most models provide a
0–200 mA output signal, designed to control Woodward EG, EGB, PB, TM, and 2301
actuators. 0–20 mA output is available for special applications. The output signal is
proportional to the fuel
setting needed to attain the desired speed/load. Position feedback from the actuator is not
required. The 2301A controls are compatible with Woodward SPM-A Synchronizers,
Automatic Generator Loading Controls, Process Import/Export Controls, and Automatic Power
Transfer and Load Controls.
Reliable Control: Simple Adustments
The 2310A Load Sharing and Speed Controls stand up well in harsh environments. Built-in
protection guards against electromagnetic interference/radio frequency interference
(EMI/RFI), humidity, dust and vibration.
The 2301A control contains a single printed circuit board. All potentiometers are accessible
from the front of the chassis. Speed range is set on an internal dip switch, accessible from
inside the cover of the control. Speeds are set according to the speed sensor frequency in
Hertz. External rated speed adjustment can be connected for remote speed change and

manual operation. An optional deceleration ramp is available.

General Specifications
Power Supply Rating 90–150 Vdc or 85–132 Vac for High Voltage models
20–40 Vdc for Low Voltage models
Power Consumption less than or equal to 15 W nominal
3-phase PT Inputs 90–240 Vac line-to-line, 45–66 Hz. PT input, burden is between 1.5 VA and 1.7 VA per
phase at 240 Vac, and between 0.4 VA and 0.5 VA per phase at 120 Vac
3-phase CT Inputs 3–7 Arms at full load, CT input burden at full load is 0.1 VA per phase
Speed Sensor Input Impedance 100–300 Ω
Speed Sensor magnetic pickup 1.0 Vac minimum to 30 Vac maximum
Speed Trim 0–100 Ω for 0 to 10% speed change
Speed Setting terminals 23–24 jumpered, internally adjustable 100 Ω potentiometer allows external 0–
10% speed trim
Idle Speed Select external switch, open terminals 19 to 16
Droop external switch, open terminals 14 to 16
Synchronizer ±5 Vdc for speed change with Woodward SPM-A synchronizer
Load Sharing 0–6 Vdc
Actuator 7.5 Vdc max for 0 to 214 mA with 35 Ω coil
Rated Speed 11 450 Hz
Acceleration Ramp (±Idle to Rated) 0–10 s, switch activated, close terminals 19 to 16
Actuator Compensation time constant compatibility 0–500 ms
Low Idle Speed 55% rated
Amplifier Gain
Reset (Stability)
Load Gain 6 Vdc maximum at 5 A CT current
Droop 0 to 10%
Speed Control Range switch selectable, 500–1500 Hz, 1000–3000 Hz, 2000–6000 Hz (standard), 4000–12
000 Hz
Operating Temperature –40 to +85 °C (–40 to +185 °F)
Load Sharing ±5% of rated load with speed setting matched
Vibration 4 Gs, 5 to 500 Hz
Shock 60 Gs
Weight approximately 1.8 kg (4 lb)
Finish gloss powder
Regulatory Compliance
European Compliance for CE Mark (specified low voltage models only)—
EMC Directive Certified to 89/336/EEC COUNCIL DIRECTIVE of 03 May 1989 on the approximation of
the laws of the member states relating to electromagnetic compatibility.
Low Voltage Directive Certified to the 73/23/EEC COUNCIL DIRECTIVE of 19 February 1973 on the
harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to electrical equipment
designed for use within certain voltage limits.
North American Compliance:
CSA: CSA Certified for Ordinary Locations for use in the United States and Canada.
2301A LSSC Outline Drawing
(Do not use for construction)
4.8 0.188
5.6 0.219
7.1 0.279
19.0 0.748
61.9 2.437
168.3 6.625
174.6 6.874
182.6 7.188
349.2 13.748
387.4 15.251

Contact Information:


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Email:  rig123@rig123.com

Skype:  liuyongjie67

QQ: 526354062


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